Video transcript
Fade in to a teal coloured screen with the words “How BNZ is using the NZBN to enhance customer experience”.
A close up of a man sitting on a blue high backed sofa in an office setting. His name and title appear on screen: James Beech, BNZ National Manager – Partner Insight and Innovation. The next shot shows a large brochure stand with the word ‘information’ above it, with rows of orange, blue and turquoise brochures against a background wall print of the ocean. Then the shot changes to a TV screen with a man on it, who is looking at his phone, on the same printed wall background and then slowly pans to a tablet device sitting on the bench in front of the same wall.
BNZ is planning to use the New Zealand business number to understand New Zealand businesses the landscape of New Zealand companies, charities, public sector, small business and potential customers.
The shot of the TV screen and tablet continue and then changes to a close up of a woman walking away from an ATM machine, located inside a bank. A man, standing with his back toward her, walks past and out of shot. Next, there’s a close up of James sitting in the same high backed, blue sofa. As he speaks, words appear on screen which read: “Understand how your customers are changing and growing”.
I think it's gonna give us a reference point to understand each entity there's a single point or a single customer view and also understand how the businesses are changing and how they're growing or the types of needs and how the bank can help them with products and services.
The camera pans along a row of blue BNZ brochures. It then cuts back to a close up of James sitting on the blue sofa again. The words “use the NZBN to get the information right the first time” appear on the screen next to James.
The efficiencies it's gonna save us is around the duplicates and many records of the same thing. The BNZ sees the opportunity with onboarding of businesses using the NZBN to uniquely identify each entity and specifically getting the information right the first time.
The camera pans across the wall, showing a TV screen and a tablet on the shelf below. The wall has a printed ocean background. Next, you see a wide shot of the inside of the bank, with a view of the automatic glass doors at the front of the store. A woman is walking towards the doors from outside. The next shot is a close up of James again, sitting on the blue high backed sofa.
By getting regular updates from the NZBN information source we can see opportunities to understand complexity of business, small businesses that are growing, partnerships, sole traders also changes in charities and public sector information.
James is sitting on the high backed blue sofa. Then the words “innovative solutions to understand customer journeys” appear on screen next to James. The words disappear and he continues to talk.
We believe we can use innovative solutions to understand customer’s journey and where they need to go and also be able to benchmark them against other of their peers. The BNZ sees NZBN as part of the building block so I think of it like a foundation in the house that the concrete base layer is the NZBN data source and everything we build on that for our customers and for the BNZ, is building on that source.
A customer comes into the bank and walks up to the ATM machine. She puts her card into the machine. There are other customers in the background also using the bank’s services and standing in line for the tellers. The visual cuts to a teal background with a cartoon image of three people sitting at a circular desk with a laptop and papers on it. A heading appears, reading: “Advice for other businesses”. Three orange text boxes appear, reading “run a parallel process”, “understand legacy systems” and “know the type of information coming in”.
Advice that I would have for other businesses wanting to use the NZBN, is to run a parallel process and then look to switch your legacy system off to also understand your legacy systems and how they digest information and thirdly to understand the type of information that's coming in and have developers who can handle their information.
The next shot is of a woman standing inside the bank. She’s holding and reading a brochure, while positioned in front of a wall of brochures. The visual then cuts back to a close up of James sitting on the blue high backed sofa again.
We think our customers win from this because the NZBN provides the source of information that we can rely on that understands our customers, provides a reference point, is trust reliable and the private and public sector can work together.
The woman who was seen earlier using the ATM appears inside the bank again, withdrawing cash from the machine. The words “the credibility and security of the NZBN information is very important to banks and other professional services” appear on screen next to her and she turns around and walks away towards the glass automatic exit doors. The shot cuts back to James again, sitting back on the blue sofa.
The credibility and the security of this information is very important to the banks and also to other professional services. I would recommend many businesses to go down this path, especially large organisations who really want to get the housekeeping and infrastructure in order.
The image fades out and the words ‘Find out how the NZBN can become an asset for your business at” appear in teal writing on a grey screen.