The NZBN at the heart of customer data management
For Callaghan Innovation the NZBN is central to how it manages its customer database of innovators and entrepreneurs.

They have around 300 researchers, engineers, scientists, technologists, designers, entrepreneurs and advisors all on hand to help businesses make their journey from research and development to market success easier, faster and less risky.
Callaghan Innovation start that journey by identifying what expertise the business requires and then connecting that business with the right advisor, mentor or technology provider.
The business uses the NZBN as the unique business identifier in their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Together with help from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment and the Companies Office, Callaghan Innovation cleaned its customer database, and then matched each customer with their NZBN - connecting the agency to customers and advisors like never before.
Using the NZBN as the authoritative business identifier Callaghan Innovation forms a standardised view of businesses and streamlines internal systems, managing, combining and sharing customer data within the CRM. This improves government effectiveness and reduces costs.
Published: 19 August 2017