Using the NZBN to streamline business processes


Xero uses the NZBN to streamline business processes, which creates greater efficiencies. Businesses will spend less time on paperwork and more time on things that matter.

Grant Anderson, Xero’s Head of Government Relations
Xero’s accounting software is designed to be simple and smart – so when an opportunity came along to streamline business processes by integrating the New Zealand Business Number (NZBN), it was a natural fit.

Grant Anderson, Xero’s Head of Government Relations, explains “[The NZBN] is going to enable greater efficiencies. It’s going to mean [businesses] spend less time doing paperwork and more time doing the things they really love and need to do.”

The NZBN is a unique identifier available to all businesses in New Zealand, including sole traders, partnerships and trusts. An NZBN links to core information about a business, such as its trading name, email address and phone number.

Published: 24 January 2018

Sarah Blackie, Xero’s Head of Commercial and Procurement, says “The NZBN will benefit both small and large enterprises in NZ. It’s really important that a business, no matter what size it is, has accurate information about other businesses they’re engaging with, whether it’s a customer or a supplier.”

The information is held on the NZBN Register, and can be updated quickly and easily by the business when something changes. By making it faster and simpler to share information and connect with other organisations, the NZBN will save Kiwis time and money when doing business.

Grant is optimistic about the future of the NZBN. “As more businesses start using the NZBN it’s going to grow their business networks, it’s going to provide a great opportunity for innovation in the economy, and it’s going to fundamentally transform the way we do business in New Zealand.”

Founded in 2006 in New Zealand, Xero is one of the fastest-growing software as a service companies in the world. Watch the video in full to find out how Xero are taking advantage of the NZBN.

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